Short story competition

IN Memorial house of Mother Teresa – Skopje announces a short story competition on three offered topics:

  1. “And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”
  2. “We don’t need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion.”
  3.  Mission in the name of God – love for the poor and the sick is a prerequisite for a persistent struggle for the implementation of faith in humanity

 The deadline for sending short stories is 1st of August, 2023. The results will be announced on 15th of August.

The awards and acknowledgements will be given on 5th of September 2023.


  1. The stories shouldn’t be longer than 7200 characters
  2.  The stories shouldn’t be previously published
  3. The stories can be sent on Macedonian, Albanian or English language.

As chosen by the jury, the best stories will be published in a book, and the first three places will receive cash prizes:

  1. 1st place: 15.000 Macedonian denars
  2. 2nd place: 10.000 Macedonian denars
  3. 3rd place: 5.000 Macedonian denars

The stories should be sent to with subject “For literary competition”.